Thursday, September 22, 2016

On Crowns and Crones

I bought this crown a few months ago because I loved the look of it and I also thought it would be great as a prop for photo shoots. Recently I've been attracted to books that speak to aging women, handling menopause, etc. I'm in my mid-50's and these topics are becoming more relevant to me.

I'm taking a fantastic photography class offered by Galia Alena called Into the Light. There are so many inspirational lessons, profiles of beautiful work by photographers and just so much information I am loving it.

One of the lessons this week, "Archetypes in Imagery", was given by Stacy De La Rosa.  *Swoon* I LOVED this lesson. She talked about the Crone archetype and how that term is often misunderstood. I know that I immediately think of an ugly, old witch when I hear the word. But if you read about the goddesses and archetypes you learn that the crone is a wise woman. Which led me to these books:

Both of these books have come at the perfect time. LOTS of wisdom here. Love, love, love!!

Maybe when I bought the crown some of these feelings were working behind the scenes. Anyway, I'm glad I have it and I know I will be using it in a lot of future photography. In the meantime, I'll be devouring these books and feeling a little better about what lies ahead.

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